Frey Family

09 January 2008

Christmas - a Family Time

Christmas is such a wonderful time to celebrate God's greatest gift to us, His son, Jesus. When a family can be together for that celebration, it is even better!

This Christmas David, Mea & Pam arrived on Christmas Eve evening wending their way via Amtrak from San Diego to Union Station in Los Angeles, where we joyfully picked them up! Christmas Day was spent together, with G-Grandma Frey (Neil's mother) joining us.

The afternoon after Christmas Chris, Rich, & Jon arrived to make our Christmas complete. There is no greater gift than to have my "babies" and "grandbabies" together!!

What fun we had -- doing stockings and exchanging gifts, eating, playing, laughing, doing puzzles, reading books, and watching Mea play her favorite game: drop the marshmallow into Daddy's mouth. She sits on the desk in our loft, leans over the railing, and drops a mini-marshmallow with David's mouth as her target. He lies patiently on the living room floor, mouth wide open, a willing target.

One of Jon's favorite gifts was his friend, Barney, but books and puzzles also rank high in our "favorites" list.
Below, Mea wears her "crown of Christmas bows" while she and Jon enjoy looking at a photo book that Aunt Christy had made for her.

One of our absolute, all-time favorite Christmas activities is when Mea and Grammy (that's me, Patty) make homemade cinnamon rolls. Jon now joins in that fun, with Christy helping, too. A glitch with the blogger system in getting the cinnamon rolls pic to show vertically is why you're not seeing us all doing this fun task.

How grateful we are to God for the blessing of His son's birth, and for the joy of celebrating that with our family this Christmas!


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